Really Cool Interactive Map on

The Austin Statesman has an interactive map up on their website that shows median price changes and sales volume activity for Austin Travis County in 2007 compared to 2006. Jeez, I wish I knew how to create such a nice map for the blog, but I guess they have a bigger budget than me. I’ll be posting my boring charts and graphs as usual.
Meanwhile, check out the Statesman map here (requires flash):

1 thought on “Really Cool Interactive Map on”

  1. Hey Steve, I really like the idea of this map, but some of the data looks fishy to me.

    As much as I’d like to believe that there is a crazy buyer’s market in the DT MLS area, I find it difficult to swallow that there was only one sale last year. Perhaps I just misunderstand what the numbers mean.

    Then again, if there is a fire sale in downtown housing, let me know.

    Assuming that most of the data is correct, it is a still nice way to visualize how the different areas of Austin are doing. It makes me feel better about owning a home in SWE.


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